Sourcing Standards for ButcherBox Beef:
- No antibiotics or added hormones ever
- Never confined to a feedlot
- Pasture-Raised
- Third Party Animal Welfare Certified
All ButcherBox beef is certified pasture-raised. This means animals are never confined to a feedlot and are able to roam freely and behave naturally on pasture. This roaming can function as a natural fertilizer and benefit soil and water health.
We offer pasture-raised, 100% grass-fed beef from Australia and pasture-raised, grain-finished beef from the US to provide options for our members while also making sure the product we offer meets our rigorous sourcing standards.
- Our 100% grass-fed beef eat a natural diet of grass and forage on pasture for their entire lives; never confined to a feedlot. 100% grass-fed meat is lean, contains Omega-3's and has a robust flavor due to the animal's natural diet.
- Our grain-finished beef also eat grass and forage on pasture and are never confined to a feedlot. Towards the end of their life, their diet expands to include hay, silage, and grain, resulting in increased marbling, tender texture and rich flavor. You can learn more about our new US Pasture-Raised, Grain-Finished program here.
You can always be confident you’re getting what you picked – we clearly label whether a product is 100% grass-fed or grain-finished on the product so you can see all the sourcing and standards for that product before you add it to your box.