Report an issue
Please let us know if you experienced a problem with your order, such as missing items or thawed/defrosted products.
To report an issue with your order, visit HELP in your account page. Select “Report an Issue.” Click the prompt that best describes the issue with your order. If no prompts are applicable, select “My issue is not listed here.” Click “Next” to continue.
In the next window, select all affected items and click “Next.” You’ll then see options for how we can fix this mistake while we look further into what went wrong with your order.
Please note that if you were missing items from your order, or received damaged items, you can opt to receive a credit or have the missing items added to your next ButcherBox. A box with fewer than 4 items has a high chance of defrosting in transit, so those items must be shipped with your next order.
If you selected “My issue is not listed here,” you’ll be prompted to provide further details so we can get back to you via email.
Contact member support
Please contact member support for assistance with reporting an issue. Our member support specialists are standing by to help Monday-Sunday from 8:00am-11:00pm EST.
You can reach a member support specialist by writing to Please include photos, videos, web links, etc. if applicable.
Live chat is available on our website by clicking the red help icon in the lower right corner. We recommend using the chat function for quick questions on account navigation, current promotions, and general information.
For more comprehensive issues, such as a problem with your delivery, we recommend emailing our member support team at
Member support can be reached at 855-981-8568 Option 2 during business hours.
At times throughout the day, we may experience a larger than usual call volume and you may be prompted to leave a voicemail. If prompted, please leave your name, the email and phone number associated with your account, and a brief message summarizing the reason for your call so we can get your request to the right team. All voicemails are returned the same day that they’re received.